Hanyuan was supposed to come also except that she's so lovesick now that she practically forget about everything.. but no matter.. i still have kem.. the movie was at 10.4opm.. so after dinner, we went strolling around in jj and we saw a corner with lots of kids.. yes.. the ones that cries, kicks, screams and yells.. kids.. for once they and their parents are so civilised until the extent that they were actually queiing up patiently for something.. they were taking turns to have a photo shot with.. This

Practically, kids and parents were staring at those two.. Not my fault anyway, it's kem's.. I think they were the oldest to take pics at that photo corner.. but still.. in the end.. i became one of the victims also.. but who cares anyway.. i'm going to watch kungfu panda and it's a full house and i got the best tickets..